Saturday, February 14, 2015

Haters gonna hate. Daters gonna date.

Ah Valentines day. The one day a year that simultaneously causes love, stress, hate, joy, and loneliness. Out of all of the holidays I believe that Valentines day receives the most hate. I mean you don't see people harping on Halloween, now do you?

Valentines day has ultimately become known as S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day). You here it everywhere you go: walking through the library, sitting on the bus, the loud talker in your art class, and even plastered all over your Facebook feed. Who knew a day intended for love could turn into so much hate.

Personally I love Valentines day! And yes, I still love Valentines day regardless of whether I am in a relationship or not. The fact that there is an entire day devoted to showing affection and selfless love to those you care about in your life is something that I believe should be celebrated, not complained about. So what if you don't have a boyfriend. So what if your Valentines date consists of take out, a movie, and cuddling with your dog. So what if you don't have a girlfriend - you have way more money than your best friend in a steady relationship, guaranteed. If you do have a special someone, good for you too! That's amazing, and you should be able to enjoy your day and post pictures and have the best valentines day ever. If not, that's okay too.

You see, that will come. And it comes to different people at different times in their lives, often when it is least expected. Whether you meet your sweetheart and sixteen like my parents, or you don't find them until you're sixty-five, you will be able to have Valentines days filled with more love than you can possibly imagine.


My American Sign Language professor sent out an announcement to all of her students that tied in exactly with what I wanted to share in this post. She said,

"I have overheard some of you in class getting all depressed about V-Day, calling it S.A.D. (Single Awareness Day).     So, you don’t have a steady sweetheart, or even an unsteady sweetheart, YET.    You know that in all likelihood, you are going to be married one day and probably it will happen before you are 35 years old.   If all works out, you’ll be married for at least 50 years.   If you are married earlier, you’ll have even more than 50 years of Valentines Days with the man/woman you love.   Given that perspective, these single times you are experiencing are RARE and fleeting moments of freedom.   You may have very few Valentines Days left as a free man or woman.

You will one day soon be sharing a romantic evening with your loved one and a two-year-old who is setting the napkins on fire with the romantic candle you put in the middle of the table for a little ambiance.  Before you know it, you will celebrate Valentines Days with your sweetheart, a six-year-old, a four-year-old AND the two-year-old, watching them have food fights over the romantic candle and yelling the first words of all children born after the first one, “MINE! and I’M TELLING!”. "

Valentines day is more than just a day for sweethearts. It's a day to show your love to the people you care for most in your life. It's a day to tell your mom you love her. It's a day to leave a note on your little brother's pillow telling him you admire how great he is. It's a day to leave your roommate a treat. Valentines day is still going to happen, and people are going to choose to either make it the worst day of their existence or choose to create happiness. This holiday is one of joy and love, and it is what you make it to be. So choose today to make this day a good one, and choose to be happy.

After all, daters gonna date. Haters gonna hate.

 My cute roommate with her valentine I got for her last year:)

And of course I had to include a picture of my sweet valentine, even if it is cheesy:) This was taken at the top of a peak that we decided to hike to. (In February! It's so warm!)