Sunday, October 26, 2014

All In Favor Of A Modest Halloween?

I went to my first college party last night, and it was a ton of fun. As soon as I walked in I noticed a popular trend. Most of the girls were wearing (or should I say NOT wearing) half clothed bunny outfits or other revealing costumes. Most of them seemed store bought, but some went to the effort of cutting old clothes simply to be more revealing. The entire night the trend for costumes seemed to be to show as much skin as possible. Why is that? When did Halloween become a competition for who looks the best in bikini tops and tutus? And when did we decide that this is ok?

Throughout the night I noticed that the girls wearing the revealing costumes were getting a lot of attention. They were always in the center of the dance floor surrounded by other people, they were on the front row for the concerts and they seemed to be having the most fun. For a moment I thought that maybe that dressing immodestly was required to make more friends and be more popular. But as the night wore on I realized that the type of attention these girls were getting was from the wrong crowd. The crowd of boys surrounding these girls looked like they couldn't walk in a straight line if they wanted to. The language they were using was less than respectful, and the general way they were treating these girls was uncomfortable to watch.

We've heard it plenty of times, that to be respected we need to respect ourselves first. It's hard to be a girl and still maintain high standards in this day and age.  It's hard to go shopping and have to buy two shirts just to make the first shirt modest. It's tough to search to find fabric to add sleeves to that gorgeous prom dress you've been dreaming of. It's impossible to find knee length shorts without just cutting an old pair of jeans yourself. But it's worth it! Dressing modestly for YOU is worth it. Dressing modestly because you respect yourself more than that is worth it. The girls that choose to cover up are still as beautiful as those that choose to show more skin. In my opinion modesty is even more beautiful because you will stand out in ways that others can't. Instead of screaming for attention you will silently and boldly demand respect and attention from the type of guy who will see that the way you present yourself is important to you and it should be important to him for the right reasons. 

So here is to my girls who Pinterest endlessly for modest wedding dresses with sleeves. Who spend a week finding a modest Halloween costume or making one themselves. Who spend a little extra money to make that cute top modest. Who search every store on the Wasatch Front for a modest swim suit. THANK YOU! Thank you for being an example of how beautiful modesty can be and for standing up for respect. The world needs a little bit more of your standards.

Me and one of my cute roommates getting ready for the USU Howl!:)