Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful for Traffic, Taxes, and Tough People

It's been awhile since my last post, but with finals right around the corner i'm playing the "busy college student" card. I know, I play that card a lot, but it should be a privilege..... right?:)

Happy Turkey day!!!! In honor of Thanksgiving I wanted to write a short blog post on gratitude. Instead of taking the traditional route and listing things I am most grateful for, I decided to try a new perspective. I wrote a list of my top six pet peeves, then sat for a long time until I could come up for at least one reason why I was thankful for each particular item. Here is my final list:

I'm thankful for:

1. Stubborn people - because they show me what it's like to fight fiercely for something I believe in.

2. Taxes - because it's proof that I still have a paycheck. And look at all that Ramen I can buy!:)

3. Traffic - because maybe we're all moving a little too fast in life anyways. We could use some slowing down, even if it's staring at miles of red brake lights.

4. Dead cell phone batteries - it's moments like these when I realize who I can't go very long without talking to, and who I miss most when I can't connect with them.

5. Icy roads - they bring back memories of my dad first teaching me to drive in a snowy church parking lot, purposefully locking the breaks for practice in driving through bad weather. They also remind me that I have a loving family who put new tires on my little car, and people who care enough to call me just to see if I got home safely.

6. College finals week - Just kidding. I'm not thankful for that particular week.

We all have so much to be thankful for apart from the obvious. We're all thankful for our family and friends, our jobs, our houses, and food on the table. But what about showing gratitude for the little things that we take for granted every day? Things such as the sun shining in the morning, the fact that your car windows didn't ice over on a day you're running late, or that the newspaper boy takes his time to deliver the paper all the way to the front porch (which is a rare occurrence, we definitely need to award medals to paper boys such as these). After eating yourself silly, taking a nap, and watching some football, take a minute to enjoy the small things in life. There is so much more beauty offered in this world if you keep your eyes open!

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!